

how often should my kitten poop?

Benbear Tuesday, October 5, 2010
The answer is within a couple of hours from eating, so everyone knows.  It's cat poop awareness month, and month devoted to the awareness and understanding of cat poop and cat poop accessories.  In case anyone is wondering yes, I did just make this up and if you didn't realize this, I feel bad for you.

I invented a new game and it's called the I win game.  It's easy, next time you are bored or are feeling down about yourself simply think of something you can easily do before or better then anyone else.  It may be good to start simple and then work your way up to more difficult tasks.  For example, the game I'm playing right now is seeing who can be first to put a post on the modern gentleman blogspot.  Obviously, as I am the only one who can play this game and the only one who knows that it is being played, I will surely win and just because no one else is playing doesn't mean I don't win.

Think about it like this, if you play tennis and the other person doesn't show up to the tennis match it doesn't mean nothing happens, it means you win.  However, ignore the fact that with this logic it's like they didn't even get called and told that they had to show up to a tennis match.

Anyway, as you win more and more you may want to start pushing the envelope of what you're competing for.  Later, I may play a game while walking to the doors to leave the building I'm in now saying that the next person to open the doors wins.  I may say the game starts when I'm 100 feet from the door or 3 feet in front of it, it just depends on how risky I feel like being.

If you do this enough and win enough things you may, like I said before, try winning more and more challenging things.  Even if you end up losing one of the more challenging things you have still won so may different challenges today what does it matter, or hell, you can even make up a reason why they cheated such as people who compete can't wear watches or brown haired people are disqualified.

Anyway winning feels great, and getting minor victories all day feels pretty great too.  I mean, think of all the things that you can win and do so well at that it doesn't even seem like the other people are competing.

Keep it kitten poop fresh


Benbear Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Not much has happened since I last update my blog.  Yesterday I bought 20 packs of magic cards.  I was hoping for at least 3 mythic rare cards but only got one, that no one use at that.

I got dead rising 2 yesterday and have to wait until I get off work in order to play it so I can't tell you how it is yet.  Most of the reviews say it's pretty good but we'll see when I get home and get to play it for myself.

This morning when I was unlocking the building I heard a song (the only song that got completely finished) by a band called The Bendz that my friend Daniel played guitar in and I was the manager for until the band sort of fell apart.  Some of the band members couldn't get along with each other, very stereotypical.  The song was actually pretty good, it's a shame that the band fell apart because they were actually really good and had some great musicians int he band as well.

Well anyway, I had to up at 5:30 after going to sleep at 2:30 because of my gamestop shift so i'm too sleepy to write right now.


video games...not so much

Benbear Friday, September 24, 2010
So I said my blog was going to be about video games, but all I've been playing lately is Halo: Reach and World of Warcraft, as always.  Halo is fun, I almost have it beat on legendary which may happen today but who knows.  And WoW..well...WoW is WoW. 

Yesterday when I went to return how I met your mother to the mail so netflicks could send me the next disk 3 guys asked if I could jump up and reach the top of the overhang to where the mail goes.  I did and then they all gave me a highfive and asked me to hang out.  I said I couldn't and went about my business but it was still pretty ballin', sorry dudes. 

I played a lot of magic the gathering yesterday and it was fun.  Me and Sylvia both got five booster packs and so did Craig and George.  Craig ended up getting two mythic rares, because he is a twat, and neither me nor Sylvia got anything we could really use.  But we still made decks and played magic for a bit and it was fun.  I really like how my deck is working but I need to get a way so I can get it to have a good finisher because right now I can just keep the other person controlled and then they come back and own my face, which in case you were wondering is a problem.

Well, I think that's it for today.  I may be going to a planetarium tonight, hopefully not to get mind controlled like in that one episode of South Park, but I'm not really sure yet.


Benbear Wednesday, September 22, 2010
So this is my first post on this new blog that I just made.  I work at the local Gamestop and have played video games most of my life.  I feel as if I have a lot of video game wisdom to share and am pretty up to date on the most recent video games and can really share a lot of wisdom about them.  Also, I do other fun stuff like play magic and a little bit of dungeons and dragons when I can.

You may be thinking that I'm pretty nerdy, and you are correct.  For example, I learned to type by playing World of Warcraft...yeah.  Anyway, for those who care (Sylvia), I will have post from here on out about random nerdy crap that you could want to know about.